Government of India does not listen without Strike, Bharat Bund or violent agitation programmes disturbing public. Government does not understand the language of peaceful protest or peaceful movement, or letters to Prime Minister or Finance Minister or even President of India. Ministers are awakened from their deep slumber only by agitations, arsoning, loot, strike, violant agitation, burning of shops ad buses, stopping of train services etc.....There are hardly a few hundred internet viewers out of ten lac bank employees who are aware of what is happening in various courts. Even IBA is least bothered of interim stay granted by Madras High Court.
Bank employees who struggled for 30 months to get second option for pension and for their wage revision are subjected to huge loss by ill-motivated trade union leaders and visionless officials of IBA team who participated in 30 month long process of negotiation.
This agreement has almost cheated PF optees on the plea of second option of Pension and IBA is almost ready to go against the MOU signed months ago. They are obviously bent upon putting into action the discriminatory, unjustified and divisive clause of Bipartite Settlement against the interest of three lacs employees called PF optees . Their main motto is to divide the United Forum of Union of Bank employees and dilute the intensity of bank unions and militancy of bank employees.
Some of the Bank unions filed a writ in Madras High court and also in various other high courts. Madras High court granted stay on execution of recovery clause no. 32 of the said Bipartite Settlement which was signed at Industry level on 27th April 2010 by Indian Bank’s Association and United Forum of Bank Unions.
But Banks are bent upon making a recovery of 2.8 times of November 2007 salary from those employees who will get second offer of pension (not yet served by any bank) after 15 year long struggle. In defiance of stay granted by Madras High Court.
Banks have not released arrear and not submitted second option of pension to all employees as per spirit of the said agreement. On the contrary banks without any fear of court are going against the spirit of stay order of Madras High Court and making forceful recovery from three lacs employees.
Are they not committing contempt of court?
Media is silent and least bothered of fate of three lac employees.
Opposition parties, ruling party all are silent.
Do they want violent movement?
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